What’s New…

Well for one, I have not blogged in a hot minute. With that being said, there is much to fill you in on–but where do I begin?

Let me start with the new look to my blog! How do you like it? I love it! I’ve been wanting to change my theme for a while now. Mainly I was being lazy, I couldn’t bother putting in a solid search–I wanted one that kept the same simplicity as my old theme (which, btw I realized was totally dated). Bored, I decided to check out what themes WordPress had to offer and given that you can now “live preview” a theme and make changes without having to install first, is a great feature to have added in their recent updates. Long story short… I think I found this theme on the second page search, lol.

On the plus side, I find myself inclined to blog more! Read More

My Birthday

It’s my birthday this month – November 25th! This is a good time to start displaying your gratitude boys! Already you adore me, so start showing it! How much do you appreciate me, how devoted are you? Words are not enough… they’re just words, I want to see action from all you boys! You need to put more effort forth, it’s that’s simple. Read More